Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
8267 Payment SMS Code For Ehsaas New Update 2024

Ehsaas Program Payment

8267 Ehsaas and Benazir Income Support Programs are government-launched programs financed by poor people. And they are sponsored. These two programs include many programs, such as the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program, Waseela e Taleem Program, Bahimat BuzurgProgram, Humqadam Program, etc. The program is provided to people in different ways. This aid includes twelve thousand fourteen thousand five thousand two thousand, etc.

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People register in this program but do not know how they can get their money in these programs or how they will know that their payment has arrived. So the Punjab Government has decided to send a message of money through Punjab Social Protection Authority.

8267 Payment SMS Code

When you are eligible for a program, you are sent a message to make a payment. This message is sent to you via 8267, made by the Bank of Punjab and Punjab Social Protection Authority. In this program, people are told about their eligibility.

You Can Also Read: Eligibility Criteria For Ehsaas Rashan

Most people are spreading rumors that the Government of Pakistan has created a new code for the Ehsaas Rashan Program, which is 8267; this is wrong because you do it through this code in any sense or Benazir Income Support Program. You can’t register, nor can you check your eligibility through this code. The government only messages this code to tell you whether your payment has arrived or whether you are eligible for this program. Do not send your ID card number on the code.

8267 Payment SMS Code For Ehsaas New Update 2024

Registration method for Ehsaas Program and Rashan Program

The procedure for registering for this program is different. If you want to register in a sense program and feeling ration program, you will send your national ID card number 8171 to tell you whether you are eligible for this program or not. If you want to register in a sense ration program and get a ration of Rs 4500 per month, you should send your national identity card number to 8123.

The easiest procedure to register in the Ehsaas program is to go to the office for registration, after going there get the registration form and fill in the complete information in the registration form.

After that, submit the form back, you will be told whether your registration process is complete or not, you will also be told how long your registration process will be completed. A confirmation message will be sent to

New Update 2024

According to the latest update of the program, it has been informed that the payment of the Ehsaas program will start in the second week of September. People who are registered in the Ehsaas program check their eligibility People who are not registered in the Ehsaas program
It is theirs to re-register and after re-submitting their documents they will also get the money. If you are not registered yet, register yourself

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8267 Sms Alert

An alert has been issued that any code other than the one that gives you a message that your money has been released is false, so don’t trust any code. Only one code has been issued by the Ehsaas program which is 8171 Apart from that, if you receive a message with any code, don’t believe it.
So for your Benazir Income Support Program registration, use 8171 to check your eligibility.

If you face any kind of problem, please go to the office of the Up Banazir Income Support Program and don’t use the wrong code.

Only if you receive a confirmation message and a SIM 8171 then you can go to get your money and also you can use the web portal to confirm whether you are guided or not. Also, if you receive any message from any number, do not act on it at all, it may lead to fraud.

BISP Registration

Similarly, if you want to register your registration in the Benazir Income Support Program and get Rs 9000, you go to the Benazir Income Support Program office, and there they will give you a form. They will register you in their program after you have completed this form. Then you can send your national identity card number on 8171 to check your eligibility.

Also, if you want to get online registration you want to know about your eligibility, then here we’ll tell you the full procedure.

BISP Online Registration

Click on the online registration button for online registration. Then they will be given a form. Enter all your information correctly in this form. After that, all your data will go to the Government of Pakistan. They will check your eligibility according to NADRA and NSER data. And you will tell me two or three days after messaging your contact number whether you are eligible for this program.

Online Registration

8267 web portal

  • Remember you are being told that all the codes and their web portals except 8267 are completely bogus.
  • You should not submit all of your information to any portal separate from the government side of the Ehsaas program.
  • To register in your Ehsaas program, register only on the code or web portal prescribed by the government.

Important Note

This is a wrong code, so don’t act on it. Enter all your information in the correct field. Confirm your Invisible Income Support Program registration. In order for you to receive a good amount of money from the Benazir Income Support Program, it will be when you register, your poverty score is minimum, and you meet the criteria specified by the Benazir Income Support Program. will

So apart from that, if you want to register in the Benazir Income Support Program Ehsaas Program, then you have to follow all the procedures after your registration is done. You start getting all the details, and you don’t have any problem; if you want to register in the Benazir program, give all the information on the correct code.


Readers are advised to go to the Punjab e-Khidmat official government website and get help according to eligibility status. Whether you are a student, disabled person, or mother, you can apply for an 8267 card and can receive and also get your monthly allowance from the ATM

Those who have completed the registration process but do not know whether their money has been received or not. What money information to tell you here is that these people who want to get money but don’t know Whether their registration process is complete or not, are told how long their registration will be completed. Complete information can be obtained from the article on the website. Those who have not received the money yet but have completed the registration process are told how long they will receive the money after their registration.