938 Code Error In BISP Payment
938 Code Error: 938 system is an error that causes problem when you want to withdraw the fund benefited by Ehsaas program from ATM card or BISP payment center then this error occurs.
This is a technical issue within the system and has nothing to do with the beneficiary account or eligibility. If you have also faced this problem, then you have been told all the procedures to get rid of this problem.
How to Resolve the 938 Error?
If you want to solve the problem of 1938 code, then you are being informed in the most correct way that how you can solve this problem. To solve this problem, first of all you have to find your nearest Ehsaas program office. Ehsaas program registration office is to go.
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There you have to enter information about your 938 error and you have to tell them that you are unable to receive the Ehsaas program payment because of this problem. If documents are required, please provide them with explanation. If still the problem persists then you should ensure you try visiting a BISP payment center or ATM.

938 Code Error New Update
Apart from this, you cannot register through this code. Because this code only causes this problem to withdraw Ehsaas program amount from ATM card. You can use the code 8171 for the rest of the registration.
According to the new update of 938, the people who were facing problems should solve their problems as soon as possible. If you are also facing such problems, you should solve these problems so that you can save time Also BASP money can be received
If you are also facing the problem of 938, then let us tell you how you can get rid of this problem. This is a problem when you get the fund from Ehsaas program and you can get your fund from ATM card or PISP registration center.
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If you want to get the amount of Ehsaas program, it shows an error at that time and you are given an error message. It is up to you to solve this error and get your Ehsaas program money. How you can solve this error is explained in all classes.