Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme Apply Portal
Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme Apply Portal Exclusion in the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme has been made once again. This time, those users who have a three marla plot in their name will also be included in the registration. Earlier, families with five marla, 10 marla and 15 marla plots were being included. But Maryam Nawaz, keeping in mind that people who have a three marla plot can also join this scheme. The procedure for applying in this screen is very easy. You can also complete the online registration sitting at home.
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And apart from this, there is also a procedure for offline registration. Complete information and details will be given to you here so that you can see complete details about your registration and eligibility criteria. And you can know whether you are included in the program or not. For any further details, see the article on our website. Here you will also be given a helpline number where you can get your complaints or information related to your registration in a timely manner.
Eligibility Criteria
The quality of the eligibility for your roof scheme is also changed slightly for my registration. Given the quality of eligibility you can complete your registration once again.
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- The applicant’s Pakistani resident and then a permanent resident of Punjab is compulsory and his identity card is made from Punjab.
- The applicant should have three marla five marla land.
- No criminal action was taken in the name of the applicant
- He has received a loan from another scheme and a special book should not be a defaulter of any bank or institution
- The applicant has not traveled abroad. The applicant will see the financial situation

Registration Process In Scheme For 15 Lakh Loan
Registration has been announced in the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme. The registration procedure is very easy and the steps given for registration are as follows.
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- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme.
- After going there, you have to click on the registration button. A registration form will open in front of you.
- You have to give your information there, which will be asked from you. You have to give your full name. Your identity card number. Write the name of your father and husband.
- Write his identity card number. Your email address. Your mobile network. Mobile number. Write the name of the division.
- Write the name of the district. Write the name of the tehsil. Write the information of the city in which you live. Write his name. Password and click on the confirm password button.
- Click on the register button and another page will open in front of you.
- There, complete information about your house will be taken from you. Your house address. Front and back photo of your identity card. Father, mother or husband’s identity card. Photos will be taken in addition to the land documents.
- After that, you will be informed that your application has been completed. You will be informed of the details via email or phone number.
Required Documents
- Complete Name
- Father/Husband Name
- Complete Address
- Front Back CNIC Photos
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How Many Houses Will Be Bulid Through Scheme
People with a plot will also be included in the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme. If you have already completed your registration process, then search for your name in your draft. You will know whether you are eligible for a loan, then you can get a loan of 15 lakhs to build a house. Before getting the loan amount, go through the complete registration procedure so that you know whether you are included in the program or not.
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Building Houses Through Apni Chhat Apna Ghar
Under this project, more than 1,000 houses are in the final stages of completion. The Punjab government has set a target of completing the construction of 40,000 houses by June 25 and 100,000 houses will be completed by December 2025. And furniture and other essential items will be given as gifts to the people who build the first five complete houses. Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz is telling that this project is being run successfully.
And under this project, about 100,000 families will be given loans of 1.5 million per family and they will be able to get this loan easily. Before getting a loan, you should check your complete details to see whether you are included in the program or not. You will be informed about the details after joining the program.
Maryam Nawaz’s instructions regarding Apni Chhat Apni Ghar scheme
Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has informed that the project is being considered for its speedy completion so that maximum people can benefit from it and she has also assured that the project is for everyone. The Punjab government is taking all possible steps to make this dream a reality for those who dream of building their own house and complete steps are being taken to resolve the problems of those who face any kind of problems.
The first installment of the loan has been given to the eligible families under the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme and the second installment will be paid soon. The loan will provide financial assistance for the construction of the house so that the applicants can start building their houses again and turn their dreams into reality.
Final Words
The purpose of creating this article is to let you know whether you have completed the registration process in the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme or not. If you have completed the registration, then you will be told whether you are included in the program or not.
Complete registration procedure If you have not completed the registration, then its information, eligibility criteria and how many families have received the full amount of the loan, how many people have remained, complete flats, you will be able to go from here so that you do not need to go anywhere else. If you need any kind of help, then you will get complete information here whether you are included in the program or not.