Tue. Mar 11th, 2025
New Decision to Disqualify 2 Million Women In Benazir Kafalat Program 2024

Benazir Kafalat Program 2024 Benazir Income Support Program give 10500 after every three months to help and facilitate those people who are poor, poverty score is less than 32% and also monthly income is less than 50000. This amount is given only to those who are poor and deserving and whose poverty score is very low. And their income is also very less due to which their financial condition is weak and they are worried

Benazir Income Support Program gives them money to end their hardships and provide them with financial support so that they can meet their needs.

Some of these women are those who have been receiving money for a long time but now their economic conditions have improved and they are not entitled to this money, so now it has been announced that they will be included in this program.

If you are interested in this article and want to know all its information, then we will provide you with all its information on this website so that you can easily get its information from the comfort of your home and know which Women are being promoted in this program and who will be given the money. The number of disqualifying people are 2 millions.

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Who will be disqualified?

Women who had been receiving money for a long time and had a very low poverty score were receiving 10,500 every three months from the Benazir Income Support Program.

But now that their economic conditions have improved and their lives have improved by having land or starting business or getting government job, they have now been declared ineligible for this program so that only those who deserve it will get money from this program. Those whose poverty score is very low and their monthly income is also very low and their economic conditions are getting very low due to which they are very worried, so now only money will be given to them.

Those who are already registered will also be given money, those who are not yet registered will also be given money after registration from this program so that only these people will benefit from this program and get its money.

Who Will Be Eligible To Get The Money?

Such people will not be disqualified from this program and they will be given an amount of 10,500 every three months by Benazir Income Support Program so that these people can continue to benefit from it and meet their needs.
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Chairperson Rubina Khalid while speaking recently said that now poor and deserving people will get more money towards Benazir Income Support Program.

Its amount is being increased by 2 thousand. In 2025, the amount of BISP will be increased from 10500 to 13500 so that along with rising inflation, poor people can also meet their living needs and improve their lives.

Those Who Are Not Registered Will Also Get Money After Registration

Those people who are not yet registered but are eligible and want to get the money and register in it then go to the official portal now and complete your registration there or go to Benazir Income Support Program office and complete your registration after submitting all your documents there

So that they also get money from this program and they can also benefit from it to improve their economic condition and meet their living needs because this program was started only for poor and deserving people.

The Government of Pakistan spent Billions rupees every year so that the poor and deserving people can benefit from this program and get their money every three months from the BISP program office.

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Eligibility Criteria For The Benazir Kafalat Program 2024

Only poor and deserving people can join the Benazir Income Support Program and get the money. Disqualification is being done so that only poor and deserving people get money from this program. Those people can get money who have following requirements

  • People who have have poverty score is less than 32%
  • People who have monthly income is less than 50000
  • People who have more expenses than their income
  • People who have no land in their name
  • People who have not business in their name
  • Widows can get payment
  • Disabled person can also get payment
  • Divorced women are also eligible

People who do not meet the above eligibility criteria will not be included in the BISP program and will not receive funds from the program. Those who have the above eligible criteria will be included in the program and the amount will be given to them after every three months so that they can meet their living needs and benefit from it.

Final Words

Women who have been receiving money from the BISP program for a long time and have been withdrawing more but now their livelihood conditions have improved and they are no longer eligible for the money.

Now they are being disqualified from this program so that only poor and deserving women can get money and benefit from this program. Now being disqualified from this program

Benazir Kafalat Program 2024 More than 90 lakhs are getting money from this program but now about 2 million women are being disqualified because their economic condition has improved and they are not eligible for this money. Will not be able to get money

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And only poor and deserving women will be able to get money and benefit from this program


How much money is given under the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) every three months?

BISP provides 10,500 every three months to eligible poor and deserving people to support their living expenses whose poverty score is low and monthly income is less than 50000.

Why are some women being disqualified from the BISP program?

Women whose economic conditions have improved and no longer meet the poverty criteria are being disqualified to ensure only deserving individuals receive the assistance. The number of disqualifying are 2 millions.

What is the new proposed amount for BISP payments in 2025?

The BISP payment will increase from 10,500 to 13,500 in 2025 to help beneficiaries who are poor and monthly income is less than 50000 and poverty score is less than 32%

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What are the eligibility criteria for receiving BISP payments?

Eligibility requires a poverty score below 32%, a monthly income under 50,000, and no ownership of land or business. Widows, disabled persons, and divorced women are also eligible.

How can unregistered individuals join the BISP program?

Eligible individuals can register by visiting the official BISP portal or the nearest BISP office with their required documents to complete the registration process. After registration, they can get their payment from the BISP cash center.