Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Full Details of Financial Assistance Available for Joining the Benazir Nashunoma Programme

Benazir Nashunoma programme

Benazir Nashunoma Programme also has Eligibility Criteria for Benazir Nashunoma Program There are some conditions for eligibility criteria in Benazir Nashunoma Program if you want to ensure your registration and get help after joining the program. So you will follow the easy steps that you will be told here to see that the Benazir program enrolls those eligible for financial assistance. The Benazir Nashunoma program raises money to improve children’s nutrition

پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن کروانے کیلئے تحصیل ڈسٹرکٹ ہیڈکوارٹر ہسپتال میں نشو و نما مرکز قائم کر دیا گیا ہے ۔ اگر آپ او پر دی گئی تمام شرائط پر پورا اترتی ہیں تو نشو نما مرکز تشریف لائیں۔ نشو و نما پروگرام میں اندراج کیلئے مندرجہ ذیل دستاویزات کا ہونا ضروری ہے خواتین کا نا در اجاری کر دو شناختی کارڈ بچے کانا در اجاری کر دو ب فارم . بچے کا حفاظتی ٹیکوں کا کارڈ

Pregnant Women are given money during pregnancy, children are given, and if a child is born after pregnancy, Rs 2500 is given. If a daughter is born, Rs 3,000 is given and Rs 500 is given for traveling expenses. In addition to BISP support, special nutritional support is given to children under two years of age of pregnant and lactating mothers.

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How To Apply For This Program

The procedure for joining the Benazir Nashunoma is very easy. If you want to know the procedure for joining the Benazir Nashunoma program, then you will also be told the complete details about the assistance received on joining the program. Follow the below steps for registration

  • First of all you have to register for registration in the program and if you meet all the above conditions then visit Registration Nashunoma Center
  • You must have the documents to enroll in the Nashunoma program
  • Women’s ID card issued by NADRA. The Child’s valid NADRA immunization record of the unformed child issued by them must be with you
  • When you provide this information, you will fill out the registration form for registration and after that, the registration form will be submitted to the office.
  • As soon as the registration disk is submitted, complete information will be provided on whether you are included in the program or not.

Benazir Nashunoma programme Eligibility

If you want to be registered in the Benazir Nashunoma program and want to get financial assistance for your children, you must duly register yourself in BISP Kafalat. For registration it is necessary to meet the eligibility criteria see the conditions laid down Pregnant Women are included in this program Children under two years of age who reach the age of 23 Months will be included. The Benazir Program is running with the support of the Benazir Income Support Program.

Full Details of Financial Assistance Available for Joining the Benazir Nashunoma Programme

حاملہ خواتین کو دوران حمل ہر سہ ماہی 2500 روپے کی رقم دی جائے گی۔ بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد ہر سہ ماہی، بیٹا ہونے کی صورت میں 2500 روپے اور بیٹی ہونے کی صورت میں 3000 روپے ( بشمول 500 روپے سفری اخراجات ) ادا کئے جائیں گے جب تک کہ بچے کی عمر 2 سال ہو جائے۔ یہ رقم BISP کفالت کی رقم کے علاوہ ملے گی۔ حاملہ، دودھ پلانے والی مائیں اور 2 سال سے کم عمر بچوں کو خصوصی غذادی جائے گی تا کہ ان کی نشو و نما بہتر ہو سکے۔

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The poor and deserving program is one such program that is designed to help pregnant women. If you want to register your children in this program and you are pregnant, you must be registered in the Benazir Kafalat program, otherwise, you will not be given financial assistance.

Benazir Nashunoma programme Payment Details

Pregnant women are given a subsidy of Rs.2500 every three months during pregnancy After the birth of a child, Rs 2,500 is given every month for having a son and Rs 3,000 for having a son or daughter.

  • In this, if you are from remote areas, you are paid Rs. 500 including travel expenses.
  • Until the child reaches two years of age i.e. for 24 months, this amount will be given in addition to the BISP Kafalat.
  • Pregnant women and lactating mothers can avail of this subsidy for special nutrition of children under two years of age.
  • So that the child’s appearance can be improved and advice is also given for the child’s development so that the child can get a good attitude from the beginning and lead a healthy life.
  • Benazir Nishma Program has given a complete procedure to help children
  • Benazir Nashunoma Program is a program that supports children as owners so that children can have a good upbringing.

Benazir Nashunoma Programme Details 2024

According to a survey 2018, about 40 percent of children under the age of five years are not able to get full physical and mental circulation due to lack of air, and their height is reduced according to age. Apart from this, about 18 percent of children are underweight, their weight remains low for their age, thus pregnant and lactating women are also found in various types of malnutrition.

قومی غذائی سروے 2018 کے مطابق 5 سال سے کم عمر کے تقریباً 40 بچے نذائی کمی کا شکار ہونے کی وجہ سے مکمل جسمانی و ذہنی نشو و نما حاصل نہیں کر پاتے اور ان کا قد عمر کے لحاظ سے کم رہ جاتا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ تقریباً 18 فیصد بچے جو 5 سال کی عمر

سے کم ہیں ان کا وزن اپنی عمر کے لحاظ سے کم رہ جاتا ہے

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The first 1000 days of a child’s life, from conception to the age of two, play a key role in proper nutrition, so the government of Pakistan, with the support of the World Food Organization under the auspices of BISP, A better Nashunoma program has been launched for women and lactating mothers and children under two years of age So that children can get the right statue and not face any problem, for more information and details see the article on the website.

Final Words

The purpose of this article is to tell you the complete information of the Benazir Nashunoma program. The complete information and details of the Benazir Nashunoma program are given here so that you can get your complete details in the Nashunoma program at home. Those people who want to get their information sitting at home and don’t know then they can read this article carefully after reading the article you can easily know your details.

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More information and details can be obtained from the official website of the program by submitting that whether you are included in the program or not, you will be told the complete details of joining the program. So that you can join and get financial assistance from this program, this article tells you what information is required, what steps you need to follow to get registered, and how much money it will cost.


What is the Benazir Nashunoma Program?

The Benazir Nashunoma Program is a government initiative in Pakistan aimed at improving the nutritional status of pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under two years of age. It provides financial assistance and nutritional support to combat malnutrition and ensure proper growth and development for children in their early years.

What is the purpose of this program?

The Benazir Nashunoma Program aims to reduce malnutrition among children and pregnant women, address stunted growth and low-weight issues, and ensure healthy development during the critical first 1,000 days of a child’s life (from conception to age two). The program also supports mothers by providing financial assistance to help them access better nutrition for themselves and their children.

How is this program connected to the Benazir Income Support Program?

The Benazir Nashunoma Program operates under the umbrella of BISP and receives support from organizations like the World Food Program. Beneficiaries of the BISP Kafalat program are automatically eligible to register for Nashunoma, provided they meet the additional criteria for pregnant women or mothers of young children.

Why is the program focused on children under two years of age?

Research shows that the first 1,000 days of life are critical for a child’s physical and mental development. Malnutrition during this period can lead to stunted growth, cognitive impairments, and long-term health issues. The program targets this age group to ensure children receive the nutrition they need for healthy development.