Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
BISP New Registration Form 2024 New Latest Update

BISP New Registration Form Check By CNIC

BISP New Registration Form online is available for the Benazir Income Support Program. You have to submit an online application for this registration. After filling out this form, you will be given a cash amount of 9 thousand rupees for 3 months.

Only those who are poor and deserving can apply for the registration form. Who is facing difficulties in living? Government of Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has once again taken a step to help the poor and needy people. Online registration for BISP has been released.

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Www Bisp Gov Pk Application Form 2024

There are a few steps you have to take to register for the Benazir Income Support Program which are given below.

  •   First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Benazir Income Support Program.
  •   After that, you have to click on the form given below.
  •   As soon as the form is opened, the information given in it has to be entered.
  •   You will receive a confirmation SMS shortly.
  •   Whether you get money from the Benazir Income Support Program or not.
  •   In case of ineligibility, you have to apply again at the Office of the Benazir Income Support Program.

Eligibility Criteria 

Only those who fulfill the criteria given below can be eligible for the BISP program.

  1.  For this, your income should be minimal.
  2.   Don’t have any business.
  3.   You are not an employee in any government institution.
  4.   You should not have any landed property or wealth in the bank.
  5.   You are poor and deserving and facing difficulty in living.
  6.   You should not have any vehicle etc.

How can I Apply for the BISP New Registration Form?

If you belong to a poor and deserving family, you can easily get ISP registration. For this, you have to follow the procedure given below.

  • First of all, you have to go to the BISP Govt PK website.
  • After going there, a farm show will be happening in front of you.
  • In this form, you have to enter all the personal information properly.
  • You have to enter your ID card number, home address, mobile number, and other information.
  • After entering, you have to click on the submit button.
  • After waiting a few minutes, your registration process will be complete.

When the registration is complete, you can know about your eligibility by sending your CNIC number to 8171 through your mobile. To Know Whether the new registration of our BISP has been completed or not.

Required Documents

The registration of this program has been made easier. Tehsil offices have been set up for registration. So you can go to your nearest tehsil office remember some documents are required for registration they need to be taken to the tehsil office which are as follows

  • Your original identity card
  • and registered phone number
  • Monthly Income Certificate
  • Household information list
  • Household electricity and gas bills
  • Disability certificate if disabled

Can We Check the Eligibility for BISP Online Registration?

If you want to register yourself in this BISP program, the steps to follow are given below.

  1. First of all, you have to open Google Chrome and type 8171 in it.
  2.  A website will open in front of you, click on it and open it.
  3.  After that, you have to enter your ID card number and phone number in the given form.
  4. You will be informed about your eligibility shortly.

BISP New Registration Online

You can do your online registration through the Benazir Income Support Program If you are getting money earlier from the Benazir Income Support Program or Ehsaas Program you can track your payments from the Benazir Income Support Program website.

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If you are not getting money, you can go to the Benazir Income Support Program office and register yourself For registration, you have to go through a few simple steps You have to give your identity card number your phone number your complete home address for Benazir Income Support Program


The process of registration in BISP has been made easier so that more people can benefit from this program now you can register yourself easily all you need is your National Identity Card which is NADRA. In this article you will find two ways to join this program.

You can also visit Tehsil Office to register for this program Apart from this, you can also register yourself through the code 8171 The objective of launching this scheme is to bring poverty reduction from Pakistan