Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Rubina Khalid Officially Announces BISP Payments Distribution via HBL: Latest Update

BISP Payments Distribution via HBL

BISP Payments Distribution via HBL BISP Chairperson Rubina Khalid has now announced this That BISP’s next payment will be made through HBL’s ATM, BISP chairperson has signed an agreement with six banks. But till now none of the six banks have supported the amount so the payment of BISP will now be made by AHBL and it has been officially announced by HBL. Payment will be issued And the work is going on for other banks as soon as we get the complete information and details, we will tell you the full information in simple words on how you can go and get your payment from other banks.

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بی آئی ایس پی کی چیئرپرسن روبینہ خالد نے اب یہ اعلان کیا ہے کہ بی آئی ایس پی کی اگلی ادائیگی ایچ بی ایل کے اے ٹی ایم کے ذریعے کی جائے گی، بی آئی ایس پی کی چیئرپرسن نے چھ بینکوں کے ساتھ ایک معاہدے پر دستخط کیے ہیں۔ لیکن اب تک چھ میں سے کسی بھی بینک نے رقم کی حمایت نہیں کی ہے اس لیے بی آئی ایس پی کی ادائیگی اب اے ایچ بی ایل کرے گی اور ایچ بی ایل کی جانب سے اس کا باضابطہ اعلان کیا گیا ہے۔ ادائیگی جاری ہو جائے گی اور دوسرے بینکوں کے لیے کام جاری ہے جیسے ہی ہمیں مکمل معلومات اور تفصیلات ملیں گی، ہم آپ کو آسان الفاظ میں مکمل معلومات بتائیں گے کہ آپ کیسے جا کر دوسرے بینکوں سے اپنی ادائیگی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔

BISP Payment Updates

People facing problems in getting payment don’t need to worry at all if they don’t get payment they will follow some simple steps to get their payment. And after that, they will be paid. Those who are registered with BISP and want to get financial assistance but have not received the assistance amount, are told that they have to make their payment to HB. Will get through HBL

How To Get Payment Through HBL ATM

بی ائی ایس پی کی جانب سے ادائیگی کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے اپ نے سب سے پہلے اپنے قریب ترین ایچ بی ایل کے اے ٹی ایم پر چلے جانا ہے وہاں پر جانے کے بعد اپ نے بی ائی ایس پی کی رقم کا انتخاب کرنا ہے اس کے بعد اپ نے اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر لکھنا ہے جیسے ہی اپ اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر لکھیں گے

اس کے بعد اپ نے وہاں پر اپنے انگوٹھوں کی تصدیق کرنی ہے اپ جب اپنے انگوٹوں کی تصدیق کریں گے تو اپ کے سامنے معلومات ائے گی کہ اپ کی اتنی رقم ا چکی ہے اپ نے اس رقم کا انتخاب کرنا ہے جو اپ لینا چاہتے ہیں

اس کے بعد اپ کو بتایا جائے گا کہ اپ وڈرال کے اپشن پر کریں گے کلک جیسے ہی اپ وڈرال کا اپشن پر کلک کریں گے تو اپ کو بتایا جائے گا کہ اپ کی رقم وڈرا ہو چکی ہے اور اپ کو اسی وقت اے ٹی ایم کی جانب سے رقم دے دی جائے گی

Follow These Simple Steps

  • To receive payment from BISP you first have to visit your nearest HBL ATM.
  • After going there you have to choose the BISP amount
  • After that, you have to write your ID card number as soon as you write your ID card number
  • After that, you have to Verify your thumbs there when you verify your thumbs.
  • So you will get information that you have received so much money, that you have to choose the amount that you want to withdraw.
  • After that, you will be told to click on the upgrade option as soon as you click on the upgrade option.
  • Then you will be informed that your amount has been withdrawn and you will be given the amount by the ATM at the same time.

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Why HBL Was Chosen For BISP Payment

HBL has been selected as the payment system distribution partner due to its extensive network of branches in both urban and rural areas along with HBL’s reach to beneficiaries in remote areas. Provides easy access Bank’s technology and security protocols are designed to prevent any fraudulent activities Ensuring that only those applicants who are eligible will receive their payments

If you are also eligible for financial assistance, you can get your payments. To get payment through HBL ATM, you have to follow some simple steps. That is, to get HBL payment you have to ensure that you have applied for financial assistance and do not own any land property in your name. Only after that do you have to get the payment, remember that the payment is being delivered to each person through the ATM and also through the retailer.

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HBL کو اس کی برانچوں کے وسیع نیٹ ورک اور جدید بینکنگ انفراسٹرکچر کی وجہ سے ادائیگی کی تقسیم کے پارٹنر کے طور پر منتخب کیا گیا تھا۔ شہری اور دیہی دونوں علاقوں میں اپنی وسیع موجودگی کے ساتھ، HBL دور دراز علاقوں میں بھی فائدہ اٹھانے والوں تک آسان رسائی فراہم کر سکتا ہے۔ بینک کی ٹیکنالوجی اور سیکیورٹی پروٹوکول کسی بھی دھوکہ دہی کی سرگرمیوں کو روکنے کے لیے بنائے گئے ہیں، اس بات کو یقینی بناتے ہوئے کہ صرف اہل وصول کنندگان ہی اپنی ادائیگیاں وصول کریں۔

Eligibility Criteara

Eligibility Criteara have been set for the beneficiaries of BISP payments which that if you want to join this program, check the eligibility criteria.

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Rubina Khalid Officially Announces BISP Payments Distribution via HBL: Latest Update
  • Follow These steps to determine eligibility
  • Your income level is seen
  • Your household size is the number of people in your household
  • And apart from that, the nature of your job or business is seen
  • Whether the land you live in is in your name or not or you live on rent is seen
  • Apart from this, the land property in your name should have a poverty score of less than 40%
  • Also, those who have not obtained any loan from any bank
  • Financial assistance is given to those who are suffering from poverty

BISP Payment Withdraw Required Docoments

  • You must have your original identity card with you
  • You must have a registered SIM
  • You must have a mobile phone number
  • You must be yourself as your fingerprints will be verified

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BISP Payments Distribution via HBL If you want to get financial assistance from BISP then you can choose the ATM center of HBL and through ATM of HBL if you want to get financial assistance. If yes, check the given information In this article full details tell you how you will get money after your registration if you want to get money then by getting money you can get your money easily. For any further details, refer to the article on the website to complete your registration process and get financial assistance.

Follow the complete instructions in the article. And after that you will get financial assistance easily. For more information and details, you can also get information from the other article on the website.