Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
PSER Punjab Socio-Economic Registry Latest Update 2024

What Is PSER 

What is a PSER Survey If you want to get your own PSER Survey? So you will be told all the information very clearly within this article. PSER Survey is actually a program offered by the government of Pakistan. Cash financial assistance is being provided to the poor if you want to avail yourself of this financial assistance and get your PSER survey done. 

So in this article, you will be told how to do an online pser survey and how and where you can do your pser survey online. And in which center can you physically go and get your survey done, all the information is explained here.

PSER Registration Procedure

To register for the PSER survey first, you have to visit your nearest government school. There, the government of Pakistan has established more than 12 thousand centers all over Pakistan. A computerized PSER survey will be conducted at your registration location. If you do not have an internet mobile facility then you will go to your nearest government school where you will be registered Registration process has been started. 

You should go to your nearest government school soon and take your survey there and get the financial assistance given by the government of Pakistan. You can choose our website to know complete information.

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Online Registration Procedure For PSER

How can you do your registration or your survey in PSER if you have an internet and mobile facility? So first of all you have to open any browser on your mobile and there you have to search PSER Punjab. The first government website that will appear in front of you is to open it and you will see the login option first. But if you are not logged in you will see the Register Now option just below that. 

You have to click on it as soon as you click you will have a kind of page shown in front of you. In which you have entered your National Identity Card number, your full name, mobile number, and which network the mobile number is. After that, enter your email, and password and click on the Register option. As soon as you click on the register option, you will be registered in this program, after which you will be informed how you can do your survey.

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Eligibility For the PSER Program 

  • Before taking the PSER survey you should check whether you are eligible for this program or not.
  • Because of the Punjab Socio-Economic Registry which is currently providing financial assistance to these poor families in Pakistan.
  • Which is poor meaning no personal house and when you get your survey done. 
  • You can do your online survey or you can physically visit the office established by PSER.
  • So after you get checked, a team will come to your home to verify the information you provide.
  • After that, if the information you have entered is correct, you will be registered in the program and the grant money will be provided.

8070 PSER

The registration procedure in the PSER survey is very easy and it has been done online. In-line candidates can complete their registration sitting at home and there is no fee for completing this registration.

The benefit of completing this registration is that you can participate in the schemes issued by Maryam Nawaz and you can also be eligible for this scheme. The easy procedure to be eligible in the PSER survey is that you complete your registration online. If you enter all the information requested by the in-line candidate correctly, you will be eligible.

Final Words

If you have read the information given in this article with full explanation then you will be able to do your registration and also your survey online. How to take an online survey on this website and which steps you have to fill properly. All that information is explained to you clearly on this website. 

You have to read this article completely and you are also told physically how you can physically go to the government school and get your registration done and get your survey done. You will be able to complete your online survey after reading this article and you will be able to conduct your survey physically by going to the government school.


What is the PSER survey?

The PSER survey is a program by the Government of Pakistan to provide cash financial assistance to the poor.

Where can I register for the survey?

You can register at your nearest government school where over 12,000 centers have been established across Pakistan.

How can I register for the PSER survey online?

Visit the official PSER Punjab website, click on “Register Now,” and fill in your personal information.

Who is eligible for the PSER program?

Families in Pakistan who are extremely poor and do not own a personal house are eligible for the program.

What happens after I complete the PSER survey?

A team will visit your home to verify the information you provided. If confirmed, you will be registered and receive financial assistance.