Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
Maryam Nawaz Announce Punjab Dhee Rani Programme For Poor And Deserving Famlies

Dhee Rani Programme

Punjab Dhee Rani Programme Has Been Announce Through Mrayam Nawaz In Punjab According to a statistic in Pakistan, there are about one crore women who are waiting for a good relationship they are not married yet and many of them are from poor families and have no money. Because of this, their parents cannot marry them Therefore, Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has started a program to solve this problem, which has also been named Dhee Rani Programme.

The program was inaugurated on October 21 and is open for registration till January 5, 2025 You will be able to see the complete information for your registration here, what information is required for registration, based on which you can get your registration done and after registration you can also join this program and get benefits from it. Can, which has been said by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz

ایک اعدادوشمار کے مطابق پاکستان میں ایک کروڑ کے قریب خواتین ایسی ہیں جو اچھے رشتے کی منتظر ہیں اور ان کی ابھی تک شادی نہیں ہوئی ہے اور ان میں سے اکثر غریب گھرانوں سے ہیں اور ان کے پاس پیسے نہیں ہیں۔ جس کی وجہ سے ان کے والدین ان کی شادی نہیں کر سکتے اس لیے وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب مریم نواز نے اس مسئلے کے حل کے لیے ایک پروگرام شروع کیا ہے جسے دھی رانی پروگرام کا نام بھی دیا گیا ہے۔

What Is Dhee Rani Programme?

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  • Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz is aware that her applications will be received through the online portal from October 21 to January 5, 2024.
  • Alternatively, those women or persons who are not fully aware of the online portal can submit their applications by visiting the office of the Deputy Director of Social Welfare of the concerned district for registration.
  • In this program, Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz will give greetings of up to one lakh rupees to newly married couples through Bank of Punjab ATMs.
  • First an account will be opened for the ATM and money will be transferred to that account and the bride can easily access the money through the ATM.
  • Apart from this, daily use items including the wedding ceremony and food, furniture, clothes and dinner sets will be given as gifts to Asia.
  • This program has been started under the supervision of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz
  • And this program will bring benefits to people so that people can easily get all their information from it

Objective Punjab Dhee Rani Programme

Punjab Maryam Nawaz has started this program for those women in Punjab who are waiting for marriage, The Dhee Rani Programme is a mass marriage program and Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has approved this program. The purpose of this program is to help deserving parents fulfill their responsibility. Marriage in Islam is considered a sacred social contract which is the foundation of a prosperous and perfect family life. Given the current economic situation in the country, many parents are not able to get their children married

Dhee Rani Programme aims to make a positive impact in society by selling government-sponsored hope and stability which will promote marriages and popularize marriage. Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s aim to start this program is to get married according to Islamic ways in the country.

Maryam Nawaz Announce Punjab Dhee Rani Programme For Poor And Deserving Famlies

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Eligibility Criteara

  • Those girls who are destitute orphans and disabled
  • If their age is between 18 to 40 years they will be included
  • The applicant may be the father of the bride or the bride or the person who is the guardian of the bride or the mother of the bride
  • Applicant must be domiciled in Punjab
  • Applicants will be selected through electronic building
  • The process will start only after your information is received
  • An affidavit will also be taken about being unmarried and willing to participate in a mass marriage ceremony

Important Information About Dhee Rani Programme

Dhee Rani Programme has been initiated by Maryam Nawaz Punjab and by the Chief Minister This is a gift for those women who are unmarried and belong to poor families. In the marriage ceremony, the bride will be given a dowry worth 206,000. A wooden bed with a double bed sheet, a place for prayer, and the Holy Quran will be added to it

Apart from this, metric glass and dinner set will also be included. Group marriages of 3000 poor women across Punjab will be arranged through this program and all these women will be included in this program. Those who are waiting for marriage but their parents do not have enough money to marry the girls

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دھی رانی پروگرام کا آغاز مریم نواز پنجاب کی طرف سے کیا گیا ہے اور یہ ان خواتین کے لیے تحفہ ہے جو غیر شادی شدہ ہیں اور غریب گھرانوں سے تعلق رکھتی ہیں۔ شادی کی تقریب میں دلہن کو 206,000 مالیت کا جہیز دیا جائے گا۔ ڈبل بیڈ شیٹ کے ساتھ لکڑی کا بستر، نماز پڑھنے کی جگہ اور اس میں قرآن پاک شامل کیا جائے گا۔

Verfication Process For Dhee Rani Programme

The program is designed in such a way that only those women will be registered and after registration, only those women who are truly eligible will be enrolled. First of all you have to apply online for your registration or you can also apply offline, after that the information verification process will start at the tehsil level after which approval will be given by BISP. After that, the lists will be released and women can find their names in the list and their guardians can find their names after that if they are eligible then they will be sent a handbook message and a confirmation message will be sent then their names will be sent to them.

An account will be opened Biometric verification process will be done by Bank of Punjab followed by NADRA and after that, you will be able to get assistance of one lakh rupees.

How To Apply For Dhee Rani Programme

  • If you want to register, first keep all the information for registration
  • After that, you have to go to the official website for registration and after going there you have to click on the registered button.
  • Then a registration form will open in front of you, you have to write your full name there
  • After that you have to write your ID card after that you have to select your district there
  • After that you have to select your tehsil gender select either male or female
  • After that, you have to choose the name that you have
  • After that you have to enter your current phone number and email address below
  • After that, after writing the password and confirming password, you have to click on the registered button, then the information for your registration will reach the office. Wait, you will receive a confirmation message through your mobile phone.

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2nd Method Of Registration

  • Also, those who don’t know about the Online registration
  • But they can’t do online registration so here is the registration procedure for them
  • First of all you have to go to the office of your concerned District Deputy Director of Social Welfare
  • After that, you have to get the application form and in the application form you have to give your complete information which will be asked
  • To ensure transparency, Assistant Commissioner Office teams will complete the verification process themselves
  • You have to submit the information correctly so that your information can be processed and after that, you will be given a confirmation message.

Required Docoments

  • ID card number of the applicant for registration
  • Name of the applicant’s district
  • Name of Tehsil of the applicant
  • Applicant’s phone number
  • Applicant’s email
  • Domicile of the applicant in Punjab

Punjab Dhee Rani Programme COMPLAINT PORTAL

1312 Complaint Number

If you are facing problems in registration, and registration is not done correctly, then complete information for registration is given here, first, you will go to the complaint portal to register your complaints. There you have to write your name, you have to write your district name and you have to select the type of complaints there, which complaints you want to register, and after category you have to write your ID card number, and your phone number. to write

After that, you have written the complete details of complaints if you are facing any kind of complaints So you can register your complaints here on the complaints portal which too very easily

Maryam Nawaz Announce Punjab Dhee Rani Programme For Poor And Deserving Famlies

Final Words

Due to unemployment and poverty across the country, there are many women who are waiting for marriage but their parents do not have enough capital to get their children married. Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has started a program to solve this problem which is called Punjab Dhee Rani Programme. This program has been started in Punjab and 3000 families will be able to benefit from it. Each girl will be given a salutation of one lakh rupees and a dowry of two lakhs and two thousand rupees will be given.

The complete registration procedure for joining this program is given here. After registration, you will get a confirmation message. Its details are also mentioned, those who want to know about registration should read this article carefully After reading this article you will understand the complete details of the program registration and eligibility criteria


What is the Punjab Dhee Rani Programme?

This is a program which has been started for the marriage of poor girls and with the help of this program 3 thousand girls will be married.

Who is eligible for the Dhee Rani Programme?

Poor orphans and women between the ages of 18 and 40 will be included in this program.

How can I apply for the Dhee Rani Programme?

An online portal has been provided for registration and also from the office of the nearest District Deputy Director Social Welfare.

When is the registration deadline for the Dhee Rani Programme?

Registration has started from October 21 and will continue till January 2025