Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
know Reason Why ineligible For New BISP Payment Complete Details

Reason Why ineligible: Those people who are being disqualified in the BISP program, what is the reason for their disqualification, then all these details are being told to you as to why people are being disqualified in the BISP program. If you also get registered in the BISP program and you are also disqualified for giving the BISP program money. You are being told here all the disqualification reasons why you are not being qualified in this program.

You should read our article in detail and BISP registration. Register yourself knowingly and get the new amount offered by the BISP program. Reason Why ineligible. After registration in Benazir Income Support Program you are provided financial assistance, which will be given to you absolutely free, you just have to register yourself, so if you want to benefit from the financial assistance of this program. If so, visit your nearest Benazir Income Support Program Registration Center and get registered.

اگر کوئی شخص مقررہ تاریخ کے بعد رجسٹریشن کراتا ہے تو اسے بھی نااہل قرار دیا جائے گا۔ اسی طرح، اگر گھرانے کی سروے کے دوران غلط معلومات فراہم کی جائیں تو یہ بھی نااہلی کی بڑی وجہ بنتی ہے۔ اس لیے ضروری ہے کہ آپ درست اور مکمل معلومات فراہم کریں تاکہ آپ بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے فوائد حاصل کر سکیں۔ بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن کے بعد آپ کو مالی امداد فراہم کی جاتی ہے، جو آپ کو بالکل مفت دی جائے گی، آپ کو صرف خود کو رجسٹر کرنا ہوگا، لہذا اگر آپ اس پروگرام کی مالی معاونت سے مستفید ہونا چاہتے ہیں۔ اگر ایسا ہے تو، اپنے قریبی بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام رجسٹریشن سینٹر پر جائیں اور رجسٹریشن کروائیں۔

Income Exceeding Poverty Line

The main reason for ineligibility in BISP program is what you are being told. Let us tell you that there are many people in the country of Pakistan who do their registration but their eligibility criteria is not as per the registration. It means that their poverty score does not meet the eligibility criteria for registration in this program. Let us tell you that before being eligible for this program you have to give all the information related to registration.

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Let us tell you that to be eligible for the BISP program, your poverty score should be up to 25% and your monthly income should be less than 50,000. If you do not meet this eligibility criteria, you will be disqualified from this program. For this reason, you should register by following your poverty score.

Incomplete or Incorrect Registration

Apart from this, the second biggest reason is that when people do their registration, the representative asks them for registration information and there are many people who submit wrong information during their registration. Entering incorrect information or incomplete information also disqualifies you.

know Reason Why ineligible For New BISP Payment Complete Details

This is the biggest reason for incompetence and this should be in your mind. If you make any mistake in your information or enter incomplete information, then you will not be eligible for the BISP program nor will you be able to get assistance from the BISP program. So you should give correct information.

Failure to Meet Eligibility Criteria

Before being eligible for BISP program there is an eligibility criteria that you have to fulfill in this eligibility then you can be eligible,

  • You belong to the country of Pakistan
  • You must not have an overseas business
  • There should be no one in your household who has a government job
  • Do not have any bank account in your name
  • Monthly electricity bill should be less than 200 units

If your eligibility criteria is as per these given conditions then you can be eligible if you do not meet this eligibility criteria then you will also not be eligible by BISP program. Reason Why ineligible

Registration After the Last Date of registration

Apart from this, the biggest reason for ineligibility during registration in BISP program is being told to you. Let us tell you that the main reason for registration in BISB program due to which you are getting disqualified, let us tell you that there are many people who register in BISP program.

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So at that time the date of registration of BISP program is complete that means they do the registration after the last date. Let us tell you that if you register after the last date, you will still be disqualified. So get yourself registered before the last date of BISP registration. Reason Why ineligible

Non-compliance with Survey Requirements

Apart from this, the reason for ineligibility in the BISP program is that there are many people who register and do not complete the survey of their house, that is, during the survey, they give wrong information, that is, they There is a person in the house who does not conduct his survey or gives wrong information during the survey, then this is also a major reason for disqualification. Reason Why ineligible

بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام میں نااہلی کی چند اہم وجوہات ہیں۔ پہلی وجہ یہ ہے کہ اگر کسی کی ماہانہ آمدنی 50,000 روپے سے زیادہ ہو تو وہ پروگرام کے لیے اہل نہیں ہوں گے۔ دوسری طرف، اگر کسی نے رجسٹریشن کے دوران غلط یا نامکمل معلومات فراہم کی تو وہ بھی نااہل قرار پائیں گے۔ مزید برآں، BISP میں شامل ہونے کے لیے کچھ مخصوص معیار بھی پورے کرنا ہوتے ہیں، جیسے کہ آپ کا پاکستانی ہونا، کسی بھی بین الاقوامی کاروبار سے وابستہ نہ ہونا، گھر میں کسی کا سرکاری ملازم نہ ہونا، اور بجلی کا بل 200 یونٹس سے کم ہونا۔

Let us tell you that BISP is a program in which all your information is surveyed before registration. If your information is correct, then you are qualified. For more information and details and to know the reason for disqualification, you can review our article. You have been given all the information here as to why you are being nailed.


If you get qualified in BISP program you want to know what result you get after qualifying then also telling you that after qualifying in this program you get the result that you get your can reduce the poverty score. You can meet these expenses by getting assistance of Rs. 10500 from this BISP program.

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Which are necessary for you, but considering the conditions of the country, you do not have enough income to fulfill them. Therefore, you should register in this BISP program. You will also be given financial assistance by the BISP program. You can easily meet your necessary expenses through this financial assistance.


What is the main reason for disqualification from the BISP program?

The primary reason for disqualification is having an income that exceeds the poverty line, specifically a monthly income above 50,000 PKR.

How can incorrect registration affect eligibility?

Providing incomplete or incorrect information during the registration process can lead to disqualification from the program.

What eligibility criteria must be met for the BISP program?

Applicants must be residents of Pakistan, have no overseas business, no government jobs in the household, no personal bank accounts, and a monthly electricity bill of less than 200 units.

What happens if someone registers after the deadline?

If individuals register after the official registration deadline, they will be disqualified from receiving benefits.

What is required during the household survey for eligibility?

Accurate and complete information must be provided during the household survey; failure to do so may result in disqualification.