Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
When will you Get a loan up to Rs 15 lakh from Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme?

Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme

When will you Get a loan up to Rs 15 lakh If you have already completed the registration process in your home, then you don’t need to worry, you will be informed here. How long will you be able to get the loan money, and which steps to follow to get the loan money, this information will also be given to you here. If we have completed the registration, remember that the registration process has been completed, then the lists of 36 districts were released, which includes various districts that are all over Punjab.

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مریم نواز شریف کی جانب سے شروع کی گئی ‘اپنی چھٹ اپنا گھر’ سکیم کے ذریعے حاصل کیے گئے 15 لاکھ کے قرض کے لیے فیز 1 میں منتخب ہونے والے امیدواروں کی فہرست جاری کر دی گئی ہے اور انہیں قرضہ دیا جائے گا۔
ایسے تمام افراد کے لیے جنہوں نے رجسٹریشن کرائی تھی لیکن انہیں نااہل قرار دے دیا گیا ہے اور ان کے نام ابھی تک بیلٹنگ لسٹ میں شامل نہیں ہوئے ہیں، ان کے لیے خوشخبری ہے کہ حکومت نے ان کے لیے نئی رجسٹریشن کا اعلان کیا ہے۔

Applied for So after applying for registration, whether their name is there or not, their complete information is mentioned in the list. In the list, you can check your name and see whether you have been included in the scheme or not. No, if the scheme has been added, you will be informed her

How To Get a Loan From the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme

If you want to get a loan in Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme then you have to make sure to get the loan amount. The first thing you should do is find out if you are eligible so that you know you are eligible if you become eligible.

So you have to follow a few easy steps to get the loan amount

  • Here you have to first go to your nearest DC office after going there you have to give the requested information to verify your information.
  • You have provided your identity card number, phone number, full details of the house, address of the house, apart from your income certificate, and the land in your name.
  • The documents you have to give should be attested
  • You will then have to get your thumbs verified, after which you will be informed that a confirmation message will be sent to you as soon as your loan is approved.
  • You can get the loan amount from the Bank of Punjab, but remember that you have to get approval before taking the loan.

What To Do If Your Request Is Not Processed?

If you face a problem in getting a loan then you have to verify your eligibility or if you are eligible then you will get the loan amount if you are not eligible then you are told that you meet the eligibility criteria. See If your information is correct and you meet the eligibility criteria, you have applied for registration, then wait as soon as the second phase starts, after registration, your name can appear next time. If you want, you can fill out the application form for the second time.

When will you Get a loan up to Rs 15 lakh from Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme?

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By filling out the application form, your information will be received again and it can be hoped that you will be eligible and your name will also be on the list of eligible people. be put in This is for those who have filled out the application form but have not received the confirmation message yet

مریم نواز کی 15 لاکھ قرضہ اسکیم کے لیے اپلائی کرنے والے تمام امیدواروں کے لیے خوشخبری یہ ہے کہ اپنا چھٹ اپنا گھر اسکیم میں شارٹ لسٹ کیے گئے امیدواروں کی فہرست جاری کردی گئی ہے۔ حکومت کی جانب سے 5 ستمبر کو رائے شماری کرائی گئی تھی جس میں شارٹ لسٹ کیے گئے امیدواروں کی فہرست جاری کر دی گئی ہے۔

ان تمام لوگوں کے لیے خوشخبری جو منتخب ہیں اور ان تمام لوگوں کے لیے جو منتخب نہیں ہیں۔ براہ کرم ہمیں مطلع کریں کہ ان کے سروے سروے کو اپ ڈیٹ نہیں کیا گیا ہے۔ جن لوگوں نے اپنا پی ایس ای آر سروے کروانے کے بعد چھت اپنا گھر اسکیم کے تحت قرض کے لیے درخواست دی ہے، ان کی درخواست قبول کر لی گئی ہے اور اب انہیں قرض دیا جائے گا۔

Reasons For Not Being Shortlisted In The Program

There are several reasons why you may not have qualified for the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme. Some common reasons for disqualification are:

PSER Survey Not Completed If you haven’t completed your PSER survey, it is essential to do so, as it is a crucial requirement for the loan application.

Incorrect Information: If any details you entered during registration, such as your CNIC number, address, father’s name, or land documents, don’t match, your application could be rejected.

Missing Land Documents Not submitting the required land proof can fail to qualify for the scheme.

Quota Limit Reached If the quota for your district has been exceeded, you may not be eligible for the loan at this time.

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When Will You Get A loan Up To Rs 15 lakh

Loan AmountUp to Rs 15 lakh
EligibilityVerified through registration and district quota
Loan DisbursementThrough Bank of Punjab
Required DocumentsCNIC, land documents, photo, contact details
Reapply OptionAvailable if not shortlisted in Phase 1
Verification StepsVisit nearest DC office, provide documents
Common Issues for RejectionWrong information, missing documents, exceeded quota

Check Name In Registered People List

When will you Get a loan up to Rs 15 lakh If you have applied for registration, please ensure that you are registered or not You are told that you have to enter complete information to get registered To find out whether you are included in this scheme or not you can search the list for registered people and search your name in it and you will be provided with complete details to find your name in it.

Those who want to get a loan amount based on these details can see the complete information before availing of the loan amount make sure that you are included. To find out whether or not you can search your name in the up list 36 district lists have been released in which you can easily search your name you will go to your district list and write your name there. If you search the id card number, you will be told whether you have been shortlisted or not, if you have not been shortlisted, please wait.

Reapply For the Scheme If You Are Not Selected

When will you Get a loan up to Rs 15 lakh If you are not included then don’t worry registration process is still ongoing you can register for the second phase it’s very easy to register for the second phase you just have to choose the official website after going there you have to go through the registration form carefully and then fill it remember you have to enter the exact information so that it is easy to check you and you are eligible to go. If you want to apply again, you must check your poverty score so that you know what your poverty score is, whether you meet the eligibility criteria, whether you meet the importance criteria or not.

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اگر اپ کو نا اہل کیا جاتا ہے تو پریشان ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے اپ دوبارہ ایپلیکیشن دے سکتے ہیں دوبارہ درخواست دینے کا عمل انتہائی اسان ہے دوبارہ درخواست انے سے پہلے اپ اپنی معلومات کا جائزہ لے لیں تاکہ اپ کو پتہ ہو کہ اپ اہلیت کے معیار پر پورا اتر رہے ہیں اپ کی معلومات ا اپڈیٹڈ ہے اپ نے پہلے درخواست بھی تھی اس میں کیا غلطیاں کی تھی مکمل معلومات اپ کو پتہ ہو

So you will be told the complete details. For those who are not included in this scheme, the complete procedure for joining has already been told to you. You can apply again for registration and know whether you are eligible for the scheme. Will be included or not

Required Documents

  1. Updated CNIC
  2. CNIC Front and Back Copy
  3. Land Ownership Documents
  4. Recent Photograph
  5. Contact Information
  6. Father’s CNIC Number

Final Words

مضمون میں بتائی گئی معلومات پر عمل کریں اور اس کے بعد اپ قرض کی رقم حاصل کر سکتے ہیں ڈی سی دفتر قرض کی رقم کا اپروول لیں اور اس کے بعد اپ کو بینک اف پنجاب کی جانب سے ادائیگی جاری کی جائے گی کی ادائیگی اپ کو اس وقت ملے گی جب اپ اہل ہوں گے تو

When will you Get a loan up to Rs 15 lakh If you have completed the registration process in the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme and you are eligible then how can you get loan amount complete information details to get the loan amount will be given to you here. So that you don’t need to go anywhere else and you can get your complete information sitting at home. People who want to get a loan for their roof can join this scheme.

Check the complete information and details to get the loan amount so that you don’t need to go anywhere else for complete information and details read the article on the website carefully. So that you can get your complete information and after that you can get the loan amount, how to get the loan amount you can see in this article.

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